STUDIO PRODUCTION • Opening Titles Shoot Day

After doing the test shoot for the opening titles, Ellen and I knew what we wanted it to look like and if what we wanted to do would work. This was good because we were filming with the presenter George and we wanted to make sure we were completely organised and ready for the day. 

We booked our equipment and collected it the day before our shoot day, this was so we could make sure batteries were charged and that everything was working before the day. Doing this made the shoot so much easier, especially at the beginning of the day with the set up of the equipment as we knew everything was working and ready to go. 

All crew members including myself and Ellen, the camera operator Troy and Sammi who was recording the sound for us arrived an hour and a half before we started shooting as we wanted to allow for enough time to set ups the equipment, do the necessary checks and make sure everything was working for when the presenter arrived. We also had Sam stand in as an actor for the character 'Norman' this worked because for our updated script the opening sequence doesn't show Norman's face so we got away with using a stand in as all you see is 'Norman' walk out of the cinema. 

In terms of location we chose to use the Private Viewing room located at the studios, this was all booked in advanced and we were able go straight there once everyone had arrived to start setting up. During the shoot, Ellen took the role of producer and I took on the role as director; talking to the presenter and letting him know which shot we would be filming next and what he had to do. I also working with the camera operator to help decide on shots and make sure it was looking the way we wanted. 

We had a few issues with lighting in that it was much darker than we expected in the cinema, although during  out location recce we assumed it would be ok, when we put a camera in the room, it was very hard to pick up any light. Some of out shots took lots of adjustments with the lights but with everyone helping to move equipment and make sure it looks good, these issues were sorted quickly and without fuss. 

Overall, I think the shoot went very well. We were thoroughly organised and prepared and this really helped us with the limited time frame we had with the presenter and because we had another shoot in the afternoon for the show trailer. We also had to make time for a quick photoshoot with the presenter for the advertising posters. 


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