Since my initial drawings, I have changed they way the characters look. This was because after using my first drawing, animating them was quite difficult and it became hard to get them to move in the way i imagined. By changed the characters from looking like numbers to actual people, I was able to animate them much easier, being able to make their arms and legs move in a  more natural way. 

After reading through the poem again, I felt that by making them look more like people, I would be able to convey more of their personalities in the way they looked. I took all my original ideas of how I imagined their characters to be and just changed the design of them. 

Although I liked my original drawings, I also like the news ones and feel that the new design will make it much easier for me to animate them. My next task is to do a test of the animation, to see how well it will work and then to draw the different backgrounds to go with the different scenes. 


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