PRODUCTION • Shoot Day 5

Shoot day 5 was relatively simple compared to the rest of shoot week. For this day we were on location filming a variety of shots of the location which will appear as the village our characters Annie and Dean live in. 

For this day we had the shot list I had previously made so we know exactly what shots were needed and wherein the location we needed to be. We almost used this a checklist in that once the director was happy with a take of each shot, we crossed it off and moved onto the next shot. this made the day flow smoothly and didn't waste any time not knowing what we were doing. 


Camera: For our opening shot of the location, the director wanted a panning shot of the beach huts along the coast. Due to the fact that we didnt yet know how much time we would have for these types of shots as the edited hadnt been started, when filming this speicific shot, I made sure to film a few takes where I each one, the pannning motion was at a different speed so that when it comes to the edit, there will be options for us to choose from as the director might decide she wants quite a slow/fast pan depending on what fits with the following scene and the tone and pace of the project. 

Lighting: Due to the fact we were filming outside, I used the natural lighting and was quite lucky in that it was an overcast day which gave me good, diffused lighting. I had also booked ut the reflector for this shoot so that if we needed to bounce some lighting onto a subject, this would be possible. I didn't end up using it but having the option to use it was useful. 


Sound: on this shoot day we didn't have a sound recordist so Becca and I worked together to record the atmos tracks for the day. This made things challenging because the director was having to focus on two things rather just one, although there weren't any actors present which made things slightly easier. The weather on the day was incredibly windy which did mean that we had to use all the equipment we had, such as the blimp and the fur cover to reduce some of the wind sounds in our recordings. Despite these little issues, we made it work and together we managed to get everything done on time and on schedule. 

Camera: From previous experience being the DOP on our nature documentary in the first year, I knew how challenging it was to find and film wildlife. The skills that I learnt from that project came into use in this one as the director wanted a shot of a seagull, I tried to get a variety of shots including ones of the birds flying, on the ground and walking around and various different shot sizes. Although I had done this before, I found it particulary challening on this day as the wind and freezing temperatures were making my shots quite shakey despite the camera being on a tripod. I think if I had the opportunity to redo these shots I would as in the edit I wasn't satisfied with what I achieved as it was clear from the footage that it struggled to keep the birds in the frame as they were flying and the shots needed to be much closer to the actual animals for them to look good and really focus in the birds as the subject.


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