PRODUCTION • Test Shoot with Set Design

In order to make sure that the set design that we want is achieved, we have planned for a test shoot for us. During this we will place the props in our different locations, working with the director to keep within her vision for Annie & Dean's house. 

After purchasing all our props we chose a day where we could set them all up in our location and try out places to put each one until we found out a display that we liked the most and felt that fit with Annie & Dean’s personalities and would be something that they would have in their home. 

In the house, once we’d chosen the layout that we wanted we took pictures so we would remember where everything went for shoot week so that at the beginning of the day Laura and our runner George could set them up whilst myself and my camera assistant were setting up the cameras and lights and Jemma the sound. 

Side board in Entryway

This should make the morning set up go quite quickly and smoothing so that we start shooting on time and the actors aren’t waiting around for us to have sorted ourselves out. 

We also got out the camera and took pictures in our chosen camera positions so we could see what the props would look like in the background of the footage. This gave us the opportunity to see if we liked the way the looked in the shots or if there could be better placed somewhere else. 

Socks on the radiator

These are some of the images we took of the dining room, which show where we have positioned our props. Our aim the the entryway/ hallway was to not out too many props in the room as we wanted it to appear believable and not over crowded. Our thoughts for Annie & Dean’s home were they were Annie is quite tidy and takes pride in their house but it still appeared as a lived in home where they had their belongings and photos on display for visitors to see. 

WS of Entryway

This is what we tried to achieve in this room but adding in the pictures of them and some baby photos which represent their children Marie and Brian. We also added socks onto the radiator to make it seem more homely and lived in. 

I hope that this idea will be helpful on shoot days and that it will allow for a quick set up and and make things easy for us on the different days as we're filming in the same locations on different days so this will also help us to remember where things are supposed to go so our shots match up continuity wise.  


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