PRODUCTION • Location Recce - Marie's house | Development

Like with our other location, being able to go and see the house before we film is extremely useful as it gives me the opportunity to go round and look for anything that might be an issue, look at lighting and sound and establish a plan for the day of shooting. 

For this location, most of the filming happens outside the house on the driveway which poses a few more challenges than filming inside. The sound recording for this location is going to be difficult as the house is located on a 40mph main road. In order to get around this, I suggest that we don't start filming until after rush hour traffic has passed and try to get all the exterior shots done and more to the interior before the afternoon school run starts. This should hopefully minimise the number of car sounds we have to deal with and make things slightly easier. Despite us being on a tight schedule, I think that if a crew member can hear a car approaching, we wait before rolling as it's really important that we get clean sound of each line of dialogue. Our sound recordist will have to be really on top their role and if they think a line of dialogue wasn't clean or was covered by the sound of a car then, we will need to redo this section in order to make sure that we definitely have good clean sound. 

In terms of lighting, this will be another challenge as the weather can very temperamental and a really bright, sunny day with no clouds could cause some issues with hotspots and shots being overexposed. An overcast day would be ideal and is what I'm hoping for however there is no guarantee. To combat any bright sunlight, I plan to use the ND filters installed into the cameras to reduce some of the light and make sure that the sun is behind the camera as I still want to use the natural lighting as much as possible. I organised with the owners of the location access to an outdoor power supply so that if we need to plug in camera and lights then we could.

At this location, we were also filming with the green screen on the television which from already doing at our other location should be quite simple to set up. From speaking with the owners, they notified me that YouTube can be accessed on the television which meant that I could easier put up a green screen youtube video and leave it running throughout the scene.


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