Editing • Production

Sync Assembly:

  • When first putting a sync assembly together we found that it was really long and there would be lots of interview clips that we would have to cut down to make sure that it was the right length. 
  • We also found that we would need to film quite a bit of wildlife to make it look like an actually nature documentary as it just looked like one long interview. 


  • Editing the sound was harder than we anticipated. There were lots of jumps between volume and the sound was sometimes very obvious that it had been editing together.
  • In order to make sure that we had eliminated all of these issues, we played the video out loud on lots of different computers and on the projector so we could listen through multiple times and see if we could hear any of the jumps or cuts and differences in volume. 


  • We had to go through and change the colour on some of the clips to make sure that they all matched. This wasn't too difficult because they were all quite similar, there were only a few that we couldn't get exactly the same colour because of using two different cameras and filming and days with completely different weather, something that I will make sure to consider for future projects. 


  • When putting together sequences, we wanted to include as much nature and actuality as possible. We made sure to put in lots of footage of the farmers as work so that we can see exactly what it is that they do on their farm and we included lots of the nature that we managed to film to make it feel like a real nature documentary. 


  • We had lots of information from John in our interviews which we had to cut down to just the most important parts. Because of having to cut these interviews and piece together different bits of audio. 
  • To cover up these cuts in the video, we used noddys of our presenter Carol, GV's and cutaways to hide the jump cuts. This also made the interview more interesting as it was more than just John talking. 


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