Test Shots • Research

  • On Wednesday we went to Leybourne lakes and did some test shots of the wildlife there. We filmed lots of different shots on the lake and the different animals like geese, ducks, Moore hens and seagulls.

  • We used different lenses on Becca's Canon camera, using long range lenses so that we can get up close to the wildlife that's far way. This worked well as it meant we could get some good shots of birds that we in tress up high and ducks and geese that were swimming on the lake. 

  • We also used a Sony EX as that's the camera that we knew we wanted to use for our documentary. This gave us a good chance to practice with the camera and work out how it might be on our actual shoot days. 

  • I found filming the birds that were on the ground to be ok and not too difficult as they were quite close and they didn't move too fast however filming the birds on the lake and in the sky was more challenging as they moved much faster and with the camera zoomed in, it was difficult to find the birds again once they had gone out of shot. 

  • I think one thing that we might struggle with is filming the birds in the trees and it will be quite hard to find them, and then keep the camera on them as they could easily move or fly away. 


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